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Thursday 5 July 2012

Here’s a little more detail on the prompts, in case you need it:

1. Self portrait: a photo of yourself that you’ve taken {get creative, take a photo of your reflection maybe?}
2. Busy: take a photo of something busy – the street, your to-do list, people shopping, just something that represents busy
3. Best part of your day: What’s the best part of your day? Your morning coffee? Seeing your kids or loved one? Going for a walk? Snap it and share it.
4. Fun: Shoot a picture of something fun or something you enjoy doing.
5. On the floor: Take a picture of something on the floor. Your feet, patterned tiles, toys, grass – what’s beneath your feet?
6. Chair: Take a photo of a chair you see in your travels or at home/work/school etc.
7. Garden: Take a photo of a garden, yours or someone elses!
8. Lunch: What’s for lunch today? Take a photo before you eat it!
9. Big: Take a photo of something big. Perhaps make it look bigger by getting down low and shooting it looking up?
10. Your favourite colour: What’s your fave colour right now? Take a photo of it.
11. Letter: Take a photo of a letter, perhaps one you get in the mail, one you wrote or even a letter from the alphabet {in a sign, or in a book or somewhere else!}
12. Texture: This is a toughy! Take a photo of something with texture; carpet, wood, a painting anything that has texture in it.
13. Open: Take a picture of an open sign, or something open; a door, a jar, anything that can be ‘open’!
14. Building: Take a photo of a building you see. It could be a big or small building.
15. Finger: Take a photo of a finger, yours, someone elses, a finger sign or even a toy finger or sorts.
16. Sign: Get creative! Find a sign {a street sign, someone doing sign language or even a sign of fate!}
17. Your addiction: What’s your guilty pleasure? What do you love? What are you addicted to? Share it!
18. Plate: Take a picture of of a plate, with or without food on it.
19. Animal/insect/pet: Take a photo of a little critter or a big critter today.
20. Eyes: Take a photo of eyes, on you, someone else, a pet or even a toy.
21. 9 o’clock: Take a photo of what ever you’re doing at 9am or 9pm. Your choice.
22. Upside down: Take a different look at the world. Take a photo upside-down or of something upside-down.
23. Mirror: Take a photo of a mirror, or or your reflection in the mirror.
24. A stranger: Be brave or sneaky. Take a photo of a perfect stranger.
25. Heart: Take a photo of a heart.
26. Sunshine: Shoot the sun! Easy!
27: On the road: Take a photo of something on the road; you driving, other cars, paint on the road or anything!
28. Cup: What’s your favourite cup to drink from? Or a trophy cup you won? Or a drink you had today. Shoot it and share it.
29. Last thing you bought: Was it something as exciting or toilet paper? Or something more extravagant? Share it!
30. Calm: Earlier in the month we shot busy, now let’s shoot something calm. What’s calm in your life today?
31. Toothbrush: Boring right? Make it interesting. Play with apps {if you’re using a smartphone} to make it more interesting. Have fun!

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